October Lunch & Learn with Alex Buron
Lunch & Learn with Alex Buron
OCTOBER 26 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. | ONLINE TALK

Our next Lunch & Learn workshop will be on Wednesday, October 26 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. with artist photographer Alex Buron. Alex had an amazing show with us last year when we re-opened. His work is vibrant and full of life as he captures images of daily life here and in Mexico.
Alex Buron is a self-taught documentary and portrait photographer. Alex’s photography reflects his experiences living in Salem, as Indigenous person coming from a first generation immigrant from Oaxaca, Mexico, working-class family. Alex seeks to empower BIPoC, poor, disabled and immigrant communities through the stories of resistance and community power that are reflected through his photographs.In this conversation, Alex’s goal is to share about the power of story telling through still images and the systematic, economic and cultural barriers poor communities of color experience in the world of art and journalism. You won’t want to miss this Lunch and Learn. You’ll learn more about Alex’s process and work!
Please RSVP to Laura@SalemArt.org and she will send a Google calendar invite your way with the link to attend.