Legacy Society
Legacy Society
The Salem Art Association’s Legacy Society includes anyone who gives a planned gift of any size through their will or a trust. The funds generated through this planned giving program will be managed by the SAA Endowment Foundation.
If you have already included Salem Art Association in your estate planning, please let us know so that we can acknowledge you through the Legacy Society and its special events.

The Salem Art Association is near and dear to me for many reasons. When I first moved to Salem I started taking Calligraphy instruction from SAA. Later, our daughter took preschool classes at SAA. I now serve on the SAA Endowment Foundation which is a critical component of the financial stability of SAA. I am delighted to be a part of SAAEF and contribute as often as I can. SAAEF has been named in our will as well.
To learn more about becoming a member of the Legacy Society,
please contact Matthew Boulay, Executive Director,
at 503-581-2228 x303 or Matthew@SalemArt.org