Del 14 de enero al 26 de febrero de 2022. Galería A.N. Bush
“An artist’s purpose in life is to see things differently.”
Cuando era un recién nacido, John Collins hizo su primera obra de arte con la ayuda del personal del hospital: "Hold your baby’s foot firmly by the ankle. If you are using an ink pad, press your baby’s foot into the ink pad making sure the foot is entirely covered . . .” His small inked feet created a monoprint on his birth certificate, and Collins has not stopped making art or “seeing things differently” since then! Completing his MFA at the California Institute of the Arts, Collins left the Los Angeles art scene to return to semi-rural Southern Oregon. Over the years his unique artwork, blending a range of art media and influences, has been exhibited in Oregon, Washington and California.
La Asociación de Arte de Salem (SAA) se complace en compartir con ustedes ARTWORK | John Collins. Siendo uno de los artistas más imaginativos y originales de Oregón que trabajan en la actualidad, la necesidad de privacidad de Collins ha impedido a menudo el merecido interés por su obra. Esta exposición contribuye a subsanar cualquier omisión, acercando su innovadora obra a un amplio abanico de galeristas, amantes del arte contemporáneo y coleccionistas de arte de Oregón.
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For the John Collins exhibition we wanted to present a range of his artwork, without the confines of a traditional retrospective. We wanted the installation to have the “crispness” of a high-end gallery, without a rigid arrangement which would overshadow the artwork. While John is very precise about making his art, he also has a wonderful sense of humor and adventure that we wanted to enliven each viewers’ experience.
John selected all the artwork for the exhibition, which ebbed and flowed throughout our various conversations about the final layout. This installation has achieved the crispness we envisioned with a seemingly effortless simplicity. Rather than overshadowing the artwork, the installation enhances each piece, like flawless gems in the perfect setting. John has received several letters of praise from longtime friends who commented on the quality of the installation as well as the artwork. As for the hidden artwork, artists typically want every piece selected for an exhibition to be front and center. As we experimented with the placement of various artworks, the painting China Girl never quite found her footing. John joked that he didn’t want to drive for four hours, with China Girl crying all the way home because she wasn’t in the exhibition. By chance we found the perfect setting that showcases this painting without hitting an off note with the rest of the exhibition.
Ross Sutherland, SAA Artist Curatorial Support
Para más información sobre esta exposición, póngase en contacto con
Ross Sutherland, SAA Artist Curatorial Support
at Ross@BushHouseMuseum.org or 503-363-4714.
Afternoon with the Artist Saturday February 26, 2022, 1:00 p.m. to 4 p.m.
John Collins estará en la Galería A.N. Bush para mantener conversaciones informales sobre su obra y su inspiración.