Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife ART CONTESTS
NOVEMBER 4 From noon to 4 p.m.
You are invited to an afternoon art show at the Bush Barn Art Center from noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday, November 4. This show is free and open to the public. During the ODFW art show, entries from the three different contests (approximately 60 different pieces) will be displayed, and the winners of the 2024 contests will be announced.
If you are looking for a way to support wildlife in Oregon, please consider purchasing a stamp or print. Sales from the purchase of waterfowl, upland game bird, and habitat conservation stamp products help fund research, surveys, habitat improvement, and conservation projects. See this link to view previous years or order stamps/prints: https://www.dfw.state.or.us/stamp_contest/index.asp

Additional Information:
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife sponsors three art contests; one each for the Habitat Conservation Stamp, the Waterfowl Stamp and the Upland Game Bird Stamp. Annually, there is an art contest that features entries from each contest. The winning artwork from each contest is used to create collector stamps. In addition, the artwork may be used to create limited edition prints or other items. Revenue generated from the use of the artwork is dedicated to the respective programs by statute.
Habitat Conservation Stamp
The Habitat Conservation Stamp art contest began in 2011 to showcase strategy species from the Oregon Conservation Strategy. Project priorities include on-the-ground efforts to:
- Restore native habitats and increase wildlife viewing opportunities;
- Conserve statewide Oregon Conservation Strategy priority habitats including aspen woodlands, coastal dunes, estuaries, freshwater aquatic habitats; grasslands, late successional mixed conifer forests, oak woodlands, ponderosa pine woodlands, riparian habitats, sagebrush habitats and wetlands.
Funds from the Habitat Conservation Stamp program are dedicated to supporting conservation of Oregon’s at-risk fish and wildlife species and habitats. Projects that restore and enhance habitats and provide more opportunities for all of us to view and enjoy these species and places are our priorities.

2023 Habitat Conservation Winner
Western Gray Squirrel by Chris Goins
Waterfowl and Upland Game Bird Stamps
Oregon has had a waterfowl stamp every year since 1984 and an upland stamp since 1990. Since waterfowl and upland game bird validations are now printed directly on hunting licenses, ODFW no longer requires that the actual physical stamp be carried in the field while hunting. However, stamps are still available at no charge to hunters who purchased a validation and stamps are available for collectors to purchase as well.
2023 Waterfowl Winner
Greater Scaup by Frank Dolphens
Waterfowl stamps and validations raise about $500,000 annually with proceeds benefiting waterfowl management and habitat. The sale of upland game bird stamps funds game bird research, surveys, habitat improvement and conservation projects.
2023 Upland Game Bird Winner

Mountain Quail by Marissa Gibson
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is committed to conserving Oregon’s outstanding diversity of fish, wildlife, and their habitats.
The Oregon Conservation Strategy is our state’s blueprint, or strategy, for conserving native fish and wildlife that are most imperiled. The Strategy recommends voluntary actions and tools for all Oregonians to define their conservation role.