Saturday, December 4, 2021 from 10 a.m. – noon.

Salem Art Fair & Festival is seeking volunteers, coordinators and volunteer groups to assist with the Salem Art Fair & Festival, July 15-17, 2022. Want to learn more? Join us Saturday, December 4 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Bush Barn Art Center and Annex. We’ll have coffee and donuts for you!
The success of Salem Art Fair & Festival relies greatly on the support of the thousands of volunteers that have made the festival possible over the last 73 years. We need volunteers to help on all days and times from the initial set-up, through the event weekend, and for festival tear-down. We want next year’s Art Fair & Festival to be the biggest and best ever — you can help us make that happen!
We have a wide range of volunteer opportunities available. Working directly with artists, grounds maintenance, providing service at the food, beverage, and information booths, assisting with the children’s activity area, and parking control are just a few of the things we need your help with.
Volunteer shifts usually run a period of 3 to 4 hours. Volunteers will receive a commemorative 2022 festival t-shirt, festival admission, snacks, and entry into the volunteer drawing to be held at the close of the festival.
Please join us to learn more about volunteering! Sign up as a volunteer and receive an annual Salem Art Association membership. Questions about this opportunity? Please reach out to: Tim@SalemArt.org