MUXER MEDICINA: Collective Healing Performance

Muxer Medicina a Collective Healing Performance

Sunday, May 30, 2021 4 pm – 8 pm

You’re invited to be a part of a Collective Healing Performance. 

Embodiment, flow, movement, dance, meditation, grounding, music, poetry and art are some of the tools that are used in this collective experience. Your participation (at your own comfort level) is key to creating and welcoming healing together.    

You Can Bring:

  • Journal/Paper and Writing Utensil (optional, but highly recommended)
  • Blankets or comfy chairs (standard chairs provided)
  • Food/snacks & water 

Social Distancing Guidelines and face-masking indoors will be observed. Event will be outside of the Annex and we encourage you to use as much space as needed. 

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The Salem Art Association is offering several categories as part of the 2025 Artist-in-Residence (AIR) program in the Annex at the Bush Barn Art Center. This residency offers a dedicated studio space for artist(s) to experiment and create new work.

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About: Artist-in-Residence (AIR)

The Salem Art Association’s Community Arts Education program hosts an Artist-in-Residence (AIR) program in the Annex. This program aims to serve artists by providing a flexible space for artistic development and experimentation.

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AIR studio space is located in the Annex at the Bush Barn Art Center. Completely renovated in 2016, the studio is geared primarily toward printmaking but can accommodate artists working in a variety of media. Separated from the studio by two, large sliding doors (which can be left open to encourage public interaction while working), is a large gallery which is made available for the AIR to display their process and/or finished work, or host workshops, lectures, etc.

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Please feel free to contact Kathleen Dinges Rice, Artists Resources and Outreach Director, at anytime with questions. She can be reached at 503-581-2228 x312 or

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Salem Art Association is proud to present this exhibition as part of our ongoing commitment to highlight and support artists across a diverse range of experiences, perspectives and studio practices. We welcome your feedback and are always interested in hearing your suggestions for future exhibitions

