Writing Art into Words. Finding what’s below, behind, and within.
This four-week virtual writing course will explore ways to look at art as prompts for our writing. Each week we will build on techniques to tell our own stories as inspired by visual artwork, applicable to any writing genre. There will be opportunities to read and share within smaller breakout groups. Over the four classes, each student will have created a sizable amount of written material from these ekphrastic writing exercises.
4 one-hour sessions (Thursdays): February 25, March 4, March 11, March 18.

About our Instructor

Marilyn is a recipient of an Oregon Literary Arts Fellowship for Writers and winner of many writing awards, including the Donna J. Stone National Literary Award for Poetry. Her work has appeared in over seventy literary journals. Poems in RED DUST RISING, about her family’s healing from war, were nominated for a Pushcart Prize; and her collection, BEFORE IGNITING, was published in 2020. She holds a Doctor of Education degree from Oregon State University.