Random Acts of Decommodification | Patricia Vázquez
MAY 11 – JUNE 24, 2023 | ANNEX
Reception: Friday MAY 12, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Artist Statement
Patricia Vázquez’ (she/her) art practice investigates the social functions of art, the intersections between aesthetics, ethics and politics and the expansion of community based art practices. She uses a variety of media to carry out that research: painting, printmaking, video, exhibitions, music and socially engaged art projects, making use of conventional art platforms to circulate her work (i.e. museums, galleries, art institutions, etc) but also looking to expand those channels of circulation by producing/exhibiting/disseminating at public spaces, schools, neighborhoods, community based and social justice organizations, etc. The purpose and methodologies of Patricia’s work are deeply informed by her experiences working as organizer and educator with the immigrant rights and other social justice movements. Her work can be further explored at https://www.patriciavazquez.art/

Exhibition Statement
Random Acts of Decommodification continues the exploration the artist has done in past projects based on the question: What is the value of an artwork when it is taken outside the systems that assign it a commodity status? For this exhibition, the artist offers 12 newly created artworks (paintings and drawings) to Salem residents in exchange for services or experiences offered to someone else.