November 11 – December 24, 2021 | AN Bush Gallery
Opening Night Reception Friday November 12, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Curator David G. Lewis, Assistant Professor OSU, Member of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde in collaboration with Salem Art Association.
The exhibition addresses the history and culture of the original Kalapuyans at Chemeketa Village, the original native peoples of what became Salem, Oregon. The exhibit images and text look at settler changes to the name and character of the town and how the Chemeketans adapted to the new American culture. Finally the exhibit documents challenges that Native peoples continue to face in the region from federal and state authorities in the recent past and present.

Click here to read and download Exibit Essays
Additional Resources
David Lewis, Oregon Encyclopedia, Grande Ronde
Indigenous Peoples’ Day and House Bill 2526
Indian Removal Act of 1830 forced Indigenous American off southeastern lands
1924 Snyder Act, by which the nation recognized Indigenous citizenship
David Lewis, Oregon History 101
David Lewis, Two Hundred Years of Changes to Native Peoples of W. Oregon
Local Resources
Hallie Ford Museum of Art permanent exhibition Ancestral Dialogues: Conversations in Native American Art
Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts
Oregon Historical Society Permanent Exhibition
Oregon Encyclopedia
The Confederated Tribes of Grande Ronde
Oregon Folklife Network
The Museum at Warm Springs
Tamastslikt Cultural Institute
Sign SAA Petition: Salem is Chemeketa Land
What is our collective responsibility?