Artist in Residence

Pre – Opening Show

Thursday, May 13th from 5 PM – 9 PM

Sunday, May 23th from 5 PM – 9 PM

Enjoy an evening at the Park viewing Art at the SAA Annex & a Music and Poetry performance on the lawn. Please bring blankets, snacks and comfy chairs. Social Distance measures will be implemented. Standard chairs provided.

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The Salem Art Association is offering several categories as part of the 2025 Artist-in-Residence (AIR) program in the Annex at the Bush Barn Art Center. This residency offers a dedicated studio space for artist(s) to experiment and create new work.

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About: Artist-in-Residence (AIR)

The Salem Art Association’s Community Arts Education program hosts an Artist-in-Residence (AIR) program in the Annex. This program aims to serve artists by providing a flexible space for artistic development and experimentation.

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AIR studio space is located in the Annex at the Bush Barn Art Center. Completely renovated in 2016, the studio is geared primarily toward printmaking but can accommodate artists working in a variety of media. Separated from the studio by two, large sliding doors (which can be left open to encourage public interaction while working), is a large gallery which is made available for the AIR to display their process and/or finished work, or host workshops, lectures, etc.

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Please feel free to contact Kathleen Dinges Rice, Artists Resources and Outreach Director, at anytime with questions. She can be reached at 503-581-2228 x312 or

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Poetry | Art Collaboration with Mid Valley Poet Society

The Salem Art Association (SAA), in cooperation with the Mid-Valley Poetry Society (MVPS), is working with seven pairs/groups of poets and visual artists and musicians to create collaborative works in residencies at the SAA Annex and other locations, to share their process with the public during their residency, and to display the work created in a 2022 exhibition at the Annex.

When poetry and visual art truly merge, the poetry component and the visual component co-evolve. This collaborative residency program hopes to facilitate such co-evolution, as well as to share the process with our community.

Participating artists are Vicki Falcon Vasquez, Pedro Careagas, Roberto Oran, Ann Kresge, Eleanor Berry, James R. Merrill, Mark Jansen, Cynthia Herron, Marilyn Johnston, Ada Molinoff, Marilynn Maltz, Ann Altman, Jade Rosina McCutcheon, John Van Dreal, Chad Russell.

Projects include poetry and art mediums including printmaking, mosaic, oils, storyboarding, fabric and music, exploring concepts ranging from the water table, healing, unity and time. Virtual sharing will happen by each pair/group during 2021. Other tentacles of this project include/d YOU’RE A GENIUS ALL THE TIME: Poetry, Memories, and Short-short Stories from Your Inner Truth, a five week Winter zoom workshop with James R. Merrill as well as the upcoming workshop with Marilyn Johnston, on site Artist in Residencies, poetry/artwork created for sale, live performances and much more. Stay tuned.

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Poetry | Art Collaboration with Mid Valley Poet Society

The Salem Art Association (SAA), in cooperation with the Mid-Valley Poetry Society (MVPS), is working with seven pairs/groups of poets and visual artists and musicians to create collaborative works in residencies at the SAA Annex and other locations, to share their process with the public during their residency, and to display the work created in a 2022 exhibition at the Annex.

When poetry and visual art truly merge, the poetry component and the visual component co-evolve. This collaborative residency program hopes to facilitate such co-evolution, as well as to share the process with our community.

Participating artists are Vicki Falcon Vasquez, Pedro Careagas, Roberto Oran, Ann Kresge, Eleanor Berry, James R. Merrill, Mark Jansen, Cynthia Herron, Marilyn Johnston, Ada Molinoff, Marilynn Maltz, Ann Altman, Jade Rosina McCutcheon, John Van Dreal, Chad Russell.

Projects include poetry and art mediums including printmaking, mosaic, oils, storyboarding, fabric and music, exploring concepts ranging from the water table, healing, unity and time. Virtual sharing will happen by each pair/group during 2021. Other tentacles of this project include/d YOU’RE A GENIUS ALL THE TIME: Poetry, Memories, and Short-short Stories from Your Inner Truth, a five week Winter zoom workshop with James R. Merrill as well as the upcoming workshop with Marilyn Johnston, on site Artist in Residencies, poetry/artwork created for sale, live performances and much more. Stay tuned.

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