March 4 – March 26, 2022 | Galería A.N. Bush

En su decimotercera edición, la Muestra de Jóvenes Artistas se ha convertido en un acontecimiento muy esperado por los estudiantes, profesores y padres de los condados de Marion, Polk y Yamhill. La exposición presenta obras de arte de cientos de estudiantes en el Bush Barn Art Center.
This is always one of our most popular exhibitions and one you won’t want to miss!
The Young Artists Showcase is supported with a generous contribution from our sponsors

Honorable Mention: Age 4 – 8 Carter Casvin Cardboard comic
Honorable Mention: Age 9 – 12 Josephine Richards Paper cut outs
Honorable Mention: Age 12+ Sarai Castillo Lamb (Clay)
Galleries Award: Samuel Ochoa Origami Mask (South Salem High School)
Poster Award (Epping Foundation): Morgin Blue landscape (Luckiamute School)
Maps Credit Union Award: Lyliana Garibay Blue Mosaic (Judson Middle School)
Art Department Award: Afton LaFrance Eye (South Salem High School)
Mayor’s Award: Melissa Williams Cinema poster (Abiqua Academy)
Best in Show: Emily Veytia Altered Book (Gervais High School)

Para más preguntas, envíe un correo electrónico a Galleries@SalemArt.org
APPLICATIONS are now closed
Opening and awards ceremony: SATURDAY, MARCH 5 | BEGINNING AT NOON
Deadline to reserve space: | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18| 5 p.m. Please contact Galleries@salemart.org to reserve space as soon as possible. To accommodate individual community art entries, school / organization reservations are accepted until the gallery is reasonably full. |
Art drop-off: | SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25 – SUNDAY FEBRUARY 27 | 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. |
Installation party: | TUESDAY, MARCH 1 | 3 – 6 p.m.We could use your help installing your students.’ work, please attend the installation party. Light refreshments will be provided. |
Opening and awards ceremony: | SATURDAY, MARCH 5 | BEGINNING AT NOON |
Art pick-up: | SATURDAY, MARCH 26 and SUNDAY, MARCH 27 | 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.SAA is not responsible for artworks remaining 30 days after the final pick-up date |